Make a difference and Partner with us today.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support of The Lord`s Garden Ministries.
You are personally invited today to become a Covenant Partner with this ministry. Your monthly financial partnership makes it possible for us to share God’s unconditional love and unending hope outside the church through our weekly television broadcast, live worship events, online resources, medical and missions outreaches and more. Without YOU, this would not be possible.
Our desire is to continue sharing Love with people in new ways and in new places. We are so excited about all the wonderful things that God has placed in our hearts to accomplish in His name.
How do one become a Partner?
You can become a Covenant Partner today by visiting any of our church branches or office at Labone or downloading your partner form on this page, filling it out and submitting by Mail, Post or dropping it at the church office.
Make Donations
- Monthly Donations: To donate as a partner select your donation amount and click monthly button below and then select the day of the month you would like your donation to be received.
- Make a One Time Offering: Top of Form To make a one-time offering, just click the ‘Offering’ button below:
- Mobile Money: You can also make donations and offerings through Mobile Money by sending the amount through these numbers.
Thank you for deciding to partner with us to share the HOPE and LOVE of Jesus Christ.